Now I really hope that no one stones me for this, but the term "World Peace" has always been a bit of a joke to me. My favorite quote from Miss Congeniality is, "Cause I'm not gonna parade around in a swimsuit like some airhead bimbo that goes by the name, what Gracie Lou Freebush and all she wants is
world peace?" I mean, anyone that knows me well understands that I am all for saving the world, humanitarian work, etc. I want to make a mark on this world before I leave it. However, as I've studied different political philosophies about the total depravity of human civilization, failed peace treaties, war, political discourses, the history of powerful nations long since gone, and even seen the seperation of races my own southern hometown I have thought, "That's so huge and something that our political leaders are never going to accomplish. I don't know if it's just me, but even the United Nations doesn't feel so 'united' a lot of the time. It's NEVER going to happen."
So here I have been for years thinking the term "World Peace" is some ridiculous phrase that "Valley Girls" throw out at a pagent to take the crown. And I am no Valley Girl, so what then does this joke of a term really mean to me? Where do you find true world peace?

Now, I don't pretend to have the answer to this question. It's complicated, but I do think I may have come to understand a very important piece of the puzzle. At least for me, I am starting to realize the true meaning of the term, world peace.

World peace starts far, far from the debate floor. It starts with a deeper feeling than mere tolerance.
As I prepare to journey off to Haiti, I have come to understand. World peace is something that starts with me. It's about me not simply tolerating but loving and understanding others: a mutal respect of love. That's what world peace is--it's not one world government, it's not no government, it's not about who controls the oil, it's not about fair borders, or a billion other issues. It's about love. Cain asked the Lord a question that has lingered up to this very second and will surely continue on, "Am I my brother's keeper?" And the answer is distinct: yes. Always yes. World peace is something you can keep with you, and something that you can impart to others if they choose to receive it. World peace, true world peace, is a gift. It is a blessing that can live inside each of us.

So, while the politcal and social world around us seems to be spirling ever towards utter debasement, we are left with a choice: light under a bushel or light on a hill? For me the choice is clear and in the end, I too believe in world peace. Not that ever distant Utopia, but the world peace that I can give to others as I learn to love and serve them no matter race, background, nationality, relgion, or history. We can have world peace. We just have to choose it for ourselves and take it with us, share it on every journey.

Anna Julia Cooper once said,
"The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or a sect, a party or a class-- it is the cause of humankind, the very birthright of humanity." So too is world peace the "very birthright of humanity." Can't you feel it in you? Deep in you? World peace.
Four days to take-off.
Alissa my dear, I apologize that you keep posting these wonderful blog posts and I keep missing them somehow! This was a great post and I'm sorry I didn't see it until now.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading about your opinions, and as usual I loved the images you always seem to find that go along with your topic. I agree with so much of what you said. I do think most of us start out with that light inside us, that capacity to love and accept each other - world wide - no matter what. But unfortunately as time goes on and human nature takes it's course, there are too many individuals across the face of the earth that allow two evils to take it's place: pride and greed. Those are the two things that have ruined our world. When you look at history, every awful occurrence - power, selfishness, cruelty, war - breaks right down to pride or greed. That's why I don't believe we will ever have world peace, and it's just an absolute shame.
Don't' get me wrong. I do believe we can all make a difference in this world, and that the world *can* be a better place for us having been here. I believe there are still many more good people that still have their lights inside of them, than people engulfed in pride and greed. I know we have the capacity to makes changes for the good nearly everywhere we go. Look at you, and the difference you are about to make in Haiti. It will change your life and the lives of the people you are helping. So don't ever forget that. We may never see world peace, but In our own way, we are changing the world - we just change it a little bit at a time.
Lots of Love XOXOXOXO
Megan! Thank you for your sweet, sweet comment. I've been thinking a lot lately about world peace, how sad a place the world can be, and how blessed I am to live how I do. It's been interesting to ponder on during scripture study and while watching the news.
ReplyDeleteYour right. We're never going to really have world peace--which is such a bummer. I just want to be a little piece of world peace where ever I go. I can't believe I am leaving on Monday. It's crazy!!! WOAH!!!
Love, love, love!! XOXOXO
I LOVE the second picture! Go you!