"...Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Reeling and Writhing of course, to begin with," the Mock Turtle replied, "then different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, and Distraction"

Wow. Here I sit on the sofa that is pushed awkwardly up against the wrong wall in the living room next to a tower of boxes-- isn't it funny how how you can box your whole life up and just move it around? Hmmmm. So many emotions today. I am happy to be moving on and excited for what the future brings, but there is this little piece of me hugging tightly to the last year. I can't believe that it is over already and 2010 is already flying steady onward.

Things have changed a whole lot for me this year--sorry to you all, this post is a little scattered. Lots of thoughts. First off, and very importantly my BFF Hannah got married!!! WOW! There is the Texas Trio outside the Salt Lake Temple. Amanda and Hannah--haha, we had some amazing times our freshman year, and now we're all juniors. And Hannah is married. Fantastic!

I've learned so much over this last school year--even outside of the reading, writing, and arithmetic or as Mr. Turtle put it, reeling, writhing, ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision. I got to meet some amazing people and come closer to some that I met last semester. I should probably mention Danny, yeah...he's alright. :-) Danny was my TA for the hardest class of the political science undergraduate program. We teased each other ruthlessly the whole fall semester and in the end became really amazing friends. Don't know how he knew it, but I needed a buddy. He was a complete answer to prayer. I love this boy so much. Such a blessing in my life. Not to mention that he feeds me In-and-Out on a regular basis. (Mom you can thank Danny for the six pounds that I finally gained back this semester. I am sure they are all from our In-and-Out trips.)

Then, of course, there is Megan, Andrew, Bre, Bobby (and Family: Rachelle, Addie, and Carter), Drew, Mallory, Bryan, John, and Casey. I just love all of these kids and wish them the best of luck on their ventures this summer and in grad school for those of you who are going. I have been so lucky to get to know these kids. They have made life amazing the last few months. They have helped me in my ambitions here at school and provided enough distraction to keep me sane through it all.

Danny can't make a nice face, but everyone else looks lovely. :-)

Bobby and Danny got into Addie's "Pretty, Pretty Prince" game at our last get-together of the semester. Ridiculous men--It looks better on Addie, for sure.
This is the girl! Addie and I are pretty good friends. I had the change to babysit for Bobby and Rachelle a few times this past year. I love these kids (the other little hoodlum is Carter). Bobby and Rachelle have really made me a part of their family--lots of love to them!

The late nights in the SWIKT will always be some of my fondest memories of this past school year. It was way too much fun.

So, I guess as I sit here buried among the mounds of my boxed up 20-years of existence, I look forward to what the rest of this year is going to bring for all of us, and I look forward to another year of reeling, writhing, ambition, and distraction with all of you.

Finally, I can't wait for this summer to come and to be able to go home and see my beautiful family. I've only been gone since December, but it still feels like years.

I am definitely in need of another trip to the beach with these crazy kids. Love them!

Well, 11:40 and I need to go and vacuum my vacated room and get some ZZZzz's . . .

I think I have avoided the last of my cleaning for long enough. G'night all! Much love.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an amazing year! And what an adorable post! :)
