It all began with a stressed out call to mom. How is it that I have reached age twenty, and I still call home crying to mommmy, wanting her to just make all my troubles and fears go away? Well for whatever reason that was or rather is, I did. And she of course, being the best mother a girl could ever have, made all my stress just float away--okay, not really. But she sure did give me some great advice that will help me work through this stressful time. Let go, live my life, and just be me. Enjoy the adventure for what it is. Pretty good advice, eh? I sure think so. This is exactly the lesson that Camilla Cream had to learn, except she had to go through a bad case of stripes to learn the lesson. Lucky for me, I just have to call mom. Though I must say, I look good in stripes! = )
Camilla Cream loved lima beans. But she never ate them. All of her friends hated lima beans, and she wanted to fit in. Camilla always worried about what other people thought of her ...
In the end of the story Camilla learned to just be her despite what other people thought, and she ends up being a VERY happy girl. I'll never forget the first time I read this book. I was about ten years old, and it just sang to my soul. It still does to this day. I love the message of this story. It's one that I so often forget and more often, need to be reminded of.

We're all as unique as a bag full of jelly beans, and that is GREAT! It's what makes the world a beautiful place, and in the case of jelly beans- a delicious place! Can you imagine being stuck with just one flavor of jelly bean your entire life. Or if you aren't a jelly bean fan-cheesecake, nut, taffy, soda (You have to pick something else Megan-we all know you only drink one soda anyways), ice cream! It would be a boring world. So, let's all do this world a favor and be true to ourselves--just let it go and live. After all, it makes the world a more beautiful place to live in.

Song of the Day is You Get Me by Michelle Branch.
All my Love!
Phooey - I just tried to post a comment and lost the whole thing!!!
ReplyDeleteThis was a GREAT post Alissa! Loved it! Enjoyed hearing about "A Bad Case of Stripes", the comparison to jelly beans (I used colors) and how important individuality is. We should be so proud of our uniqueness and diversity, and learn to enjoy and respect others' as well. If not, what a shallow and critical life we shall lead. I know I take great joy in my friends' and my children's differences. I enjoy other cultures and traditions, and have taught my children to respect other's beliefs. We are all Heavenly Father's children :) So you go girl! Be proud of who you are! Don't ever think otherwise!