ANYWAYS, on to better things! Tonight was great. Got to see Letters to Juliet with Krista and Brynn which was *great*. Well, hanging out with my girls was great. The movie, was only so-so. Cute, but I would wait till it goes to a dollar theater to see it honestly, it wasn't all the trailer hyped it up to be. It served its purpose in providing a venue for "girls night out" though, which was much needed on my end for sure.
So, here she is ladies and gents, the one and only second sister in the Wilkinson Family. At least, I think she is the one and only. I suppose it is possible that there is some twin that I don't know about, mom? ... :-)
Anyways, isn't she just "GORGEOUS". I love her to death. She's super talented, super smart, super everything! I love her to death and really appreciate her good example. Seriously, she could make Mother Teresa look like a gang banger. Love her!

Here she is all prettied up for Girls' Night!
Oh yeah, and then there is me.

And our great bathroom adventure getting ready to go! We had a LOT of fun!

It was a really fun night.
Oh, of course this post wouldn't be complete without a update in the "roommate saga." Two good stories for tonight.
Cookies, cookies, cookies, and BAD manners. Krista and I came went out for a evening stroll the other night around five or six. When we got back, there my roommate sat with the last chips ahoy in hand sitting on the sofa. As Krista and I walk into the kitchen she says, "Oh, sorry I ate the last two of your cookies." I didn't even know how to respond I was so surprised. I've never had a roommate blatantly eat my food, in front of me! Wow. I was so surprised. I'm still surprised. I don't even know what else to write so, I'm just gonna leave it at that. AHOY!

And there's the AC battle. Yes, who knew that a little thing could create such civil unrest within a home. I sure didn't. My roommates don't believe on turning on the AC. They just like to leave it off--perpetually. I often come home to find the apartment so hot that the air is thick enough to choke on. So, I flip on the AC and as soon as one of my roommates emerges from their room they flip it off. So, I go and flip it on. On-off, On-off, On-off. Day in and day out. GOSH!!! If you're cold, put on some socks and a sweater, but I declared myself Queen the day I moved in. Don't touch the thermostat. End of story.

So, I've already blogged for longer than planned. Now to whip out a Sunday talk.
All my love.
Song of the day is Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie.
You and your sister are SO ADORABLE!!! Those pics are awesome :)
Ugh - roommates :(
I love how Krista looks older then you haha but i cant wait for the trips i will be making to provo and the sleep overs with you haha
ReplyDeleteAaaaaah. . . MY pretty babies. You both OBVIOUSLY take after me. . . Dad is too ugly for you to take after him.