Yesterday was a Sunday full of lots of little spiritual promptings that all added up to one really emotional day that has seemed to carry over into this blustery Monday in Provo. I realized a few things about myself that Heavenly Father wants me to improve, and I am taking the first steps to making those changes. It's great! I even enjoyed my economics homework today. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of times that I felt I was slowly forking my eyeballs out of my head (not pleasant), but I was excited about the material and was happy to be at school.
I also had some very exciting news from my mother last night! My younger sister Krista is coming to spend two whole weeks with me up here at BYU. It's going to be amazing, and I am so excited for her to get here! I can hardly wait for the twenty-second to arrive. I love that girl so much, she is such an amazing example to me. It's funny how I'm the big sister, but she always ends up teaching me. Can't leave Kennychan (Kendra) out either, of course, that girl is a whoot! And we're gonna spend every waking minute together this summer when I get home.

Let's see, what else? Danny called me last night. Man, can I just say I love that kid! He's so much like me that it's almost freaky. It was so nice to be able to hash some things out with him about school and just life in general. Smart kid, and I am stoked for his trip to Africa this summer! (I know you are reading this. Do your mother a favor and take a picture or two. It won't kill ya, man! :)
Oh. This blog post wouldn't be complete without a shout-out to my incredible mother. I love you, Queen Mother. You think you are going to be in better shape than me when I get home this summer, and it's just not gonna happen. So, cry your tears of defeat right now. I am going to start running in the morning again. To quote Krista, "In a month you'll be able to wack my butt with an iron rod, and it won't even wiggle! More than I can say for your butt. ;)" So good luck topping that lard butt!!! (Just kidding!) Honestly though, Thank you for helping me to become better and encouraging me to be whatever I wanted to be. You are the most amazing woman I ever met. Period. You've been my own personal Wonder Woman for the last twenty years. Thank you.

Alright, I know this blog post is totally lame! But I just wanted to babble a little before I settle into two more chapters of econ and a research paper for the night.

Song of the Day is definitely Lady by Styx. Hmmm. Love it.
Wow, it sounds like you had an *awesome* day yesterday! How cool :) And Daniel said he had a *great* conversation with you last night. (thank you for sticking up for me about taking some photos... but I know he still won't!) And how FUN for both you and your sister that she gets to come stay with you for a few weeks! You guys are going to have a blast! And let's see... how soon is Haiti coming up for you? So many things to look forward to! YAY! :)
P.S. I hate forking my eyeballs out of my head :(