So, as everyone is very well aware of it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster the last couple of weeks, not my fault--God came up with PMS, not me. It's like some sort of twisted joke that's been played on the female gender.
An emotional roller coaster that looked/looks something like this:

This is an economic graph that Liz Ann Sonders came up with recently entitled, “The Market’s Emotional Roller Coaster.” It graphs the emotions that investors experience in a full bear-to-bull market cycle.
However, I thought it was appropriate. Especially since as a lay in my bed around six-fifteen this morning with my stomach twisting in protest to some nasty cramps--compliments of Mother Nature-- I compared my situation to a supply and demand graph. I thought about how the drugs that I had just taken in an attempt to relieve my pain was like putting downward pressure on the price of a good. This of course would cause the price of the good and the quantity of the good supplied to return to the equilibrium point eventually--the point on the graph where supply and demand intersect. I further thought about how once the price reached equilibrium it would be like my drugs kicking into full affect, and then I wouldn't be in pain anymore . . . that probably made no sense. But at six a.m. it made perfect sense in my head, I could even see what my graph looked like and everything. Yes. I know. I have a serious problem with school. It's like my own little twilight zone or fantasy world. I mean, the other day, I actually caught myself building a regression model for my own personal happiness. . . ANYWAYS!
So, my drugs finally kicked in! Yay for pain killers. And I was able to go take care of some passport stuff for my trip to Haiti, eat a taco, go grocery shopping, and work at the office for an hour shift. By the time I got home though I was pooped! So, I ate breakfast for dinner: granola and toast and then took a very hot bath complete with essential oils and had a mud mask. It was lovely. . . though I did look rather like a tortoise. . .

Don't we make a great pair? :)
Alright, that's enough babbling for me tonight.
Oh my gosh, you and Daniel try to figure out WAY too many bizarre factoids in your heads!!! I thought he was the only one possessed!
ReplyDeleteP.S. you do NOT look like the turtle! although I admit I've seen you look better ;)
Haha, Megan! I thought I was the only one that was way too obsessed with school until I met Daniel! Thank goodness I have him to talk to!
ReplyDeleteP.S- I've seen me look better too. My mom was like, "What a flattering picture Liss. . ." She's so sarcastic; I think I got my wits from her. :-)