I slept really late. I met the newest member of the family, Hannah, our German Shepard-- I played in the yard with her, went to the training kennel with her and mamma, and even let her lick (yes lick!) my hand. For those of you who don't know me very well, I used to have a major problem with dogs (an ewww-dogs-are-yucky-syndrome). I would say I am well on the way to recovery. I also got meds for Haiti, did some laundry, and topped it all off with a night swim. Now I'm just sitting here catching up on all my favorite blogs! Megan passed along the Beautiful Blogger Award. So I'm gonna share in the fun!
I thought you guys might like some pictures to go along with my fun facts! I sure have done a whole lot of growing up the last 20 years.

Here's me about eleven years old. Please hold the snide/witty/degrading remarks :-).
Here I am at about thirteen or fourteen. Ouch. I can't believe I'm posting these.
Halloween of 2005 or 2006.
And finally, two years later... graduation!

I start to look like a grown up!
Two and a half years at BYU and WHAMO-

1. I had a short lived career as a streaker. Yes, you read that correctly a streaker--you now know where that wild side of mine comes from.
I was three years old, and while my mom was in her bedroom I somehow managed to make it out the front door wearing nothing but her red high heels. When she finally figured out that I wasn't in the house, I had made it a good ways down the drive and she asked, "Alissa! Where you going?" I was quick to respond, "Relief Society."
So there you have it, my streaking career at three years old.
2. I helped my best friend at five years old kill her pet hamster. We didn't mean to kill it. We just played catch with it. He didn't take to being the ball. I can still remember the feeling of his limp body in my hands. Like jello in a furry packaging.
3. I own a pocket thesaurus that I love dearly. Words are a fantastic thing.
4. I enjoy country music selectively. My favorite song is Trace Adkins Honky Tonk Badonka Donk. If you don't like country, you should still listen to it. Hilarious lyrics.
5. The first time I chose a career for myself I wanted to be an archaeologist. I spent many a hot afternoon out in the driveway with a hammer and pile of rocks--risking an eye to smash them open for a peak inside. My mother was thrilled when this phase passed because I generally kept more rocks in my dresser than I did clothing.
6. I have a hat fetish, but never have the guts to wear them so I don't buy them.
7. I am a pajama pants junky. I love sweats and p.j pants of all kinds.
8. I love carnival glass. I own three pieces and hope to add to my collection when I am old and have money to spend on some really nice additions. It's so expensive! If you don't know what it is here are a couple of pictures.

It comes in all different colors, shapes, and sizes. I just love it.
9. I played the violin for about a year, but then decided that I liked voice better and took private voice lessons for about seven-ish years.
10. I have flown in a private jet and can honestly say that it's the only way to travel.
So there you have it. Ten facts about me--some of which might be surprising to you.
All my love!
Song of the day is Six Feet from the Edge by Creed.
ALRIGHTY THEN!!!!!! That was an *AWESOME* post Alissa!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, you sound soooooo happy to be HOME! Yay! I am happy for you! And I thought all of your pictures were ADORABLE! No doubt you have been fighting the boys off looong before you were a darling 11 year old! Seriously, there were all SO cute! And yes you do owe me one of your new hair sistah! When I told Daniel you had cut it again he said you were just doing it to try and kill him - LOL :)
Your 10 Facts were FANTASTIC! Nice variety too, I might add :) I loved every single fact! Okay, except the hamster one. I have to admit that one probably traumatized me for life. But I am really odd about animals :/ It was still very funny. I loved your start in Relief Society. If only they knew... OMG, I cannot do the COUNTRY thing! But Brad Paisley is the genius of hysterical country lyrics and I bow to him. And Lyle Lovette is sarcastically humorous as well and I do listen to him upon occasion. And carnival glass! Who would have guessed! That is so cool :)
Nice, nice job my dear! I say you should bake something uber badonka donk scrumptious for all of your effort :D
Megan xoxoxoxo