"...Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Grin Without a Cat

I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; " but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!" Grins without cats. Blog comments without a writer. They're a curious thing. And so dear readers, I share this curiosity with you.

Recently I have noted the appearance of a grin without a cat following me around--jumping from tree to tree, floating through my blogging world. Mysteriously sharing his grin with you and with me, yet never revealing his whole self.

Who could this grin belong to? Is it Jake's grin?

And if it is Jake's grin, this begs the question who is Jake? I know only one amongst my several acquaintances, and he has already been thoroughly questioned. So Jake, who are you? And can you stand on your head? How did you discover my blog? We're all very curious to know you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Over Studied... ZZzzzz.



Goodnight. XOXO.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lucky as Me

Dear Readers--dear friends,

I want to express my gratitude for a best friend. I hope that each of you is as luck as I--to have a friend so willing to do what's best for you; who has taken the time to come to know you as a person; who loves you so honestly that you feel safety in that love; who makes you laugh and listens when no one else will; who kicks you in the butt when you need it; who reminds of what's most important in life; who believes in you when you don't believe in yourself.

A real best friend.

Over a year ago, I walked into a computer lab in the basement of the Kimball Tower for my first lesson in STATA, and unbeknown to the Teaching Assistant and myself, it was the start of one of the most beautiful friendships of my life.

Thank you, dear best friend. Thank you.

Through all the regression models,

late nights in the library,

the classic rock,

In-N-Out consumption,

Poli-Sci vs. Econ jokes,

finals week,

the laughs, and the tears, the classic movie nights, the teasing, the notes, bouquets of sharpened pencils, chocolate covered almonds, the out of country adventures, and all of it we have grown to be the best friends in the world, and I will forever cherish that. Hope you know how much I love ya. Thank you for your example. I'm excited for our continued adventures.


So, dear readers of mine--when you find a best friend like the one I've got--cherish it. Kindred Spirits are rare.

Song of the day is Come What May from Moulin Rouge. It's so pretty.