"...Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ode to Hair

My Goodness, I am bloggy lately. It's completely ridiculous and the last two haven't had any great substance, but I do promise you that I have something of significance planned for tomorrow.

The last few weeks, I have struggled with what to do with the mop on my head. Go shorter... let it grow out ... trim it and keep it where it is... I honestly have bounced all over the place...

And much to Brynn's joy and excitement I am sure ... I have decided to grow my hair back to just below my shoulders. I have been missing my long locks lately... and it's time to grow it back out. It's going to be a painful process. I hate growing my hair out. But it must be done.

So, there is my exciting Saturday news. It's almost back to the base of my neck already---it's on its way!

Scary much? Yes, yes it is.

That is the saddest color of yellow. I love yellow and that's just not yellow.

But HOLY HAIR! Love it.

So artistic. Hair is really neat!

wow. pink!

This speaks for itself.

Happy Saturday Ya'll.

= )


  1. Really cool hair pics Alissa! I never thought I would like pink hair but that actually looked really awesome!

    Well, long or short, you will look ADORABLE :)
