"...Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

Monday, July 18, 2011

“A grownup is a child with layers on.”

Today is one of those "wrong side of the bed" kinda days... only problem was... both sides of the bed were wrong today.

I'm having one of those days.

One of those, I don't want to be a grownup (gotowork, balancethecheckbook, dealwithpeople, domyhomework, domylaundry, paymybills, etc) kinda days.

I hid under my covers for a long while this morning, and you know what... none of it disappeared. So after I finish whining to the cosmic void via blog post, I'm going to eat a chocolate bar and deal with life...

How's your day going?


  1. my day wasn't the best (in fact, it sucked), but the chocolate really did help :)
    hope it helped you too!
    love ya girly!!!

  2. God KNEW chocolate would be the best. invention. ever. Thank you God!
