But first we need to define a quick term--catcall. Urban Dictionary can help us out with this, "When a guy gives the wert whirl whistle or yells at a baby-doll for the purpose of getting attention. This is usually done out of the window of a car--typically a Pontiac Firebird, or Camaro."
Walking to school today I found myself to be in the shoes of the "baby-doll" in the above definition. Except the catcaller from the red Camaro didn't just whistle, oh no he wanted to be even more "impressive" (rolls eyes). So he yelled, "Nice Ass!" Nice Ass, really? Wow, can we go out please? Because I am just so impressed with you. My thought process went something along these lines.
1. Stop walking.
2. Did he really just say what I think he said. I am in Provo, UT. Mormon Ville.
3. Jerk, you're lucky you're driving away right now.If I had a bat... or a gun.
4. You're the ass and you're not even a nice one.
5. Brush it off and keep walking to school.
I can't believe guys sometimes. Like what is the thought process they go through before they yell at some girl from their car window? Do they even have a brain to process with? Maybe that's the problem. Ugh. I was so annoyed and very surprised.
P.S- Pardon my language.
Anyways, on to more uplifting things. Right now I am eating/drinking a root-beer float. I can't really decide which it is supposed to be, eat or drink? You kinda do both. It's delicious.

So, based on previous blog posts I am sure you are all well aware that I have been a little stressed/worried about the way my life is going right now--no where! Not knowing exactly what to do with your life can be a really stressful thing. Especially when you want to do EVERYTHING! Well I open this month's Ensign and see this in big bold letters: "DON'T BE IN A HURRY." Wow, can I just say how much those words spoke to me. Something I have learned in the last few months is the more you try to grab onto your life and make it what you want the more you lose your grasp on what it is you want. Furthermore, the more you try to force life, the less you actually want to live it. It's a crazy kind of inverse relationship that is hard to explain. I guess what I am trying to explain was pretty well summed up by James E. Faust years ago,
"Our hurry to meet the relentless demands of the clock tears away at our inner peace."
I guess this is what I mean; the more I try to figure out my life, the more my inner peace is torn away at. The answer: slow down and put God first. I knew this all along, I have been told this over and over, but I continually need to remind myself of this reassuring message. So, I'm going to slow down. I'm going to enjoy life and take the time to put first things first. I am really excited. I don't have to stress about finishing my degree ASAP. I need to just live life and remember that God is aware of where I am right now. What my struggles are, what my goals are, and where I need to be. He's going to get me there. I just need to slow down and let him guide me.
As Brother Thomas said in this article, "Undistracted by other gods, we trust the Lord to help us allocate our time and talent to the very best uses each day. As a result, we do more good and we make real progress." So, this is my new resolution: slow down, follow God, and allow him to help me "do more good" and "make real progress" which is what this life is all about.

But in all seriousness, I am excited to slow down and find out what in the world I have been missing as I've tried to speed through life.
All my Love!
Song of the day is Ants Marching by the Dave Matthews Band.
Great post Alissa - nicely done :)
ReplyDeleteFirst off... you gotta be ready for those *ridiculous* comments like the one you got today. The proper response for any cat-calling "ass" remark (even in Provo, UT) is:
- smart ass
- dumb ass
- ass wipe (my personal favorite)
This is common knowledge. And the only reason I enjoy bringing myself down to the level of others is because 'ass' and all it's variations is one of my favorite words. I can't help it :)
As far as actually SLOWING DOWN and ENJOYING LIFE... and TRUSTING the LORD??? I say way to go on that discovery Alissa! And it's a good thing you are learning to do that now. That's something some people never figure out all their lives. It's human nature to want to control everything. Heavenly Father knows that - which is why he patiently waits for us to smack our head long enough (like that chart you have) until we finally ask for his help. We have to turn it all over to him and keep the faith. And he will give us the guidance and direction we need. And at some point we'll find ourselves taking the control back again - human nature, you know - but hopefully we'll recognize it and put ourselves back yet again into the Lord's hands. Good for you for figuring that out Alissa - your college experience, and your entire life, will be all the sweeter because of it.
Remember that we're not just supposed to enjoy the destination, but we're supposed to enjoy the ride too :)